Soham was born on 15th June, 2011, which was Thursday. Which was the day on his 5th birthday?
In the year 2017. Republic day was on Wednesday then in the same year Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti was on which day?
1st February 2016 was Monday. What was the day on 1st February 2010?
John, who is born on 5th January 2001 Friday, is 100 days elder to Shanaya then on which day was Shanaya’s first birthday?
If in the year 2010 Republic Day occured on Tuesday then in the same year Teacher’s Day occured on which day?
If Sonal’s 3rd birthday was on 19th September 2004, which was Thursday, then on which day will her 12th birthday occur?
In the year 2020, Republic Day was celebrated on Saturday, then in the same month which day will occur only four times?
In a certain year if Independence day occurs on Tuesday then in the same year which day would be the last day of the year?
Chaitali was born on Wednesday 3rd August 2000. What will be the day on her tenth birthday ?
In 2015, Independence Day was on Sunday. On which day 'Literacy Day' will fall in the year 2016?
Rekha's second birthday was on Saturday 25th July 2009, then on what day was she born?
If in the year 2022 ‘Balika Divas’ falls on Monday, then in the same year ‘Kranti Day’ will be on which day?
In a certain year, Environment Day falls on Friday. Then on which day Children’s Day will fall in the same year?
Rajanikant was born on Tuesday, 29th February 2000. On which day will he celebrate his second birthday?
Monday falls on 20th March 1995. What was the day of 3 November 1994?
Additional Information:
Calendar-based aptitude problems are common in competitive exams, testing your ability to determine days of the week, calculate date differences, and analyze calendars. Key concepts include the 7-day cycle, leap year rules (divisible by 4, not divisible by 100 unless divisible by 400), and odd days (extra days beyond complete weeks, like 10 days having 3 odd days). Understanding these basics helps improve accuracy in solving calendar problems.