Find the number of pronouns in the following sentence - If I don’t bring them, they’ll kill me.

Insert the appropriate preposition. They are monstrous beasts _______ bodies like bears and heads like tigers.

Identify the correct option for the words given in the brackets to fill the blank. Rose is one of the _______ flowers in the garden.

Read carefully and choose the correct word that is alphabetically last in the given list: Liar, Levy, Lend, Lessen, Large, Lane, Liberty, Loss, Level.

Fill in the blank with suitable pronoun. Ouch! I’ve cut _______ finger.

Complete the instruction using the options given below: Always walk on _______ and not on the road.

Read the Autobiography and answer the questions selecting the correct option.
I’ve been flowing towards the sea of ages, through hills and valleys. I earn love and good wishes of all whom I meet on my long way. When I was given this eternal flow, it will end, in a mystery to me. This much I know that I was given my birth to serve the earth with her animate or inanimate creations. My life is a dedicated one, meant to purify the ‘filth’ of the earth I wash and carry away the polluted articles. I give shelter to the fishes and aquatic animals. I give company to the innocent boatmen.

Complete choosing the correct option.
The lines above are from an Autobiography of a _______.

Which of the sentences below cannot be added to this Autobiography :

Whom does the river give company to?

Choose correct option of figure of speech ‘personification’.

Which type of synthesis is used in the following sentence? Choose correct option. Being tired of play, Atharv sat down to rest.

Choose correct option of exclamatory sentence.
The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank.

Find out type of conjunction used in the sentence.
Though he is suffering much pain, yet he does not complain.

Read the following report and answer the question given below:
With crackers bursting amid dazzling illuminations, Kali Pooja was celebrated in Kolkata on Wednesday. Decorative lamps glittered inside the community - Pooja pandals and candles were lit in almost every house, adding to the grandeur. Though the Pooja was offered around midnight, the festive mood was visible from the evening. According to the police 2372 community Pooja were held this year in the city. Streams of people visited the attractive pandals in the evening. There was a staggering crowd at Kalighat, Dakshineshwar, Belurmath and Thanthania Kalibari. Some of the community Pooja in the city had novel pandal and image designs.

Which of the following is not a correct option for writing a report?

Find the places related to a staggering crowd for ‘Kali Pooja’? (Select 2 alternatives)

Choose 2 correct answers:

All his life, Gandhiji kept the abolition of untouchability at the forefront of his public activities. In 1932, he founded the All India Harijan Sangh for this purpose. His campaign for the "root and branch removal of untouchability" was based on the grounds of humanism and reason. He argued that there was no sanction for untouchability in the Hindu shastras. But, if any shastra approved of untouchability, it should be ignored for it would then be going against human dignity. Truth, he said, could not be confined within the covers of a book.
Since the middle of the nineteenth century, numerous individuals and organizations worked to spread education among the untouchables (or depressed classes and Scheduled Castes, as they came to be called later), to open the doors of schools and temples to them, to enable them to use public wells and tanks, and to remove other social disabilities and distinctions from which they suffered.
As education and awakening spread, the lower castes themselves began to stir. They became conscious of their basic human rights and began to rise in defense of these rights. They gradually built up a powerful movement against the traditional oppression by the higher castes. In Maharashtra, in the second half of the nineteenth century, Jyotiba Phule, born in a lower-caste family, led a lifelong movement against Brahmanical religious authority as part of his struggle against upper-caste domination. He regarded modem education as the most important weapon for the liberation of the lower castes. He was the first to open several schools for girls of the lower castes. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, who belonged to one of the Scheduled Castes, devoted his entire life to fighting against caste tyranny. He organized the All India Scheduled Castes Federation for the purpose. Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde and his colleagues founded the All India Depressed Classes Mission Society. In Kerala, Sir Narayan Guru organized a lifelong struggle against the caste system. He coined the famous slogan: "One religion, one caste and one God for mankind." In South India, the non-brahmins organized during the 1920s the Self-Respect Movement to fight the disabilities which Brahmins had imposed upon them. Numerous satyagraha movements were organized all over India jointly by the upper and depressed castes against the ban on the latter's entry into temples and other such restrictions.

According to the passage, who among the following tried to eradicate untouchability?
(a) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
(b) Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve
(c) Narayan Guru
(d) Mahatma Gandhi

What would Gandhiji mean when he said that 'Truth cannot be confined within the covers of a book'?

Who announced, 'one religion, one caste and one God for Mankind', in opposition to the caste System?

Which of the following was given the least importance by Gandhiji in his thoughts about removal of untouchability?

What according to the passage are the prerequisites of a movement against oppression by higher castes?
(a) Education
(b) Awareness of human rights
(c) Opening of temples
(d) Sanction of the Shastras

Since Economic production is the basic activity of a human aggregate, the mode of production (productive forces and social relations of production) plays a determining role in shaping the social structure, the psychology, and the ideology of that human aggregate.
Rural society is based predominantly on agriculture. Village agriculture is sharply distinguished from urban industry by the fact that it is based on direct extraction from Nature by man.
Land is the basic means of production in the countryside. Land is a part of Nature, though made arable by human labour. From land, the rural people produce, by means of technique and their labour power, such a variety of agrarian products as food, cotton, jute, tea, coffee, tobacco, and others.
Urban industry only transforms the products of agriculture into industrial products. ln city factories and mills, such agricultural products as cotton, jute and sugarcane are transformed into cotton and jute cloth and sugar, respectively.
This basic difference between agriculture and industry plays a significant role in shaping the social institutions, the psychology, and the ideology of the rural and urban populations.
Further, the level of production and the way in which the products are distributed among the different strata of a society, determine the level of the material prosperity of the society as a whole and of the various socio-economic groups comprising it. They also, to a very large extent, mould the institutional set up of that society as well as the cultural life of its people.
For instance, in India, the primitive nature of agriculture, the resultant low level of agricultural production and the specific types of land relations which determine the differing shares of agricultural products among the social groups composing the rural society, explain the general poverty of the rural people, their hierarchic gradation into a pyramidal system of socio-economic groups and, further, their distinct social institutions and cultural backwardness. They also largely fix their customs, conceptions, and social mores.

Which of the following factor{s) is/are affected by the mode of Production?
(a)Ideology (b) Psychology (c) Social Structure (d) None

How does the primitive nature of agriculture in India affect rural society?
(a) It eliminates poverty.
(b) It increases agricultural production.
(c) It leads to cultural diversity.
(d) It result in a pyramidal socio-economic system.

What factor contribute to the general poverty of rural people in India?

Considering the rural society which of the following statement/s is/are false?
(a) Rural Society is based predominantly on agriculture.
(b) Land is the basic means of production in the countryside.
(c) Means of production in rural areas are not different from urban areas.

What do rural people produce by means of their labor power and technique?
(a) Industrial goods (b) Agrarian products (c) (c) Metal products

A Harvard University study of 2021 found that positive empathy propelled kind acts towards others, including being helpful and cooperative. It fostered resilience and a high degree of satisfaction in their daily lives. While the benefits of empathy derived joy are enormous, it is hard to practice. Jealousy and greed arc enemies of happiness and we are surrounded by people who enjoy the suffering of others. On many occasions, negative feelings about the other may lead to social and professional bonding amongst peer group, such as amongst cricket fans or soldiers waging war. This poisons our social life. Lack of empathy drive individuals to lower the sell-esteem of others through social media.
Select the most appropriate central idea of above paragraph from given options.

Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom.
"To pick a bone with one"

In the phrase "The end of the story", what does "of" indicate?

What is the main idea in the sentence?
"After hours of practice, she finally mastered the piano piece"

Which transition word suggests a continuation of the previous idea?

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Additional Information:

English is a vital subject in competitive exams, assessing skills like grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and verbal ability. It tests a candidate’s ability to understand and communicate effectively in English. Key areas include error detection, sentence completion, passage analysis, and word usage. To excel, focus on building a strong vocabulary, mastering grammar rules, and practicing regularly with mock tests. Proficiency in English enhances your overall performance and increases success in exams.


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