Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers from the options given.
The Taj Mahal is situated on the right bank of the Yamuna about six miles away from the city of Agra. It is one of the most famous and beautiful buildings in the world. Its beauty attracts thousands of travellers to our country. They come every year from all parts of the world to visit Agra and see the Taj. Under the clear cloudless sky, in the light of the full moon, the Taj has a beauty that no one can forget and the still water of the pool before it reflects the buildings and adds to its beauty.
Emperor Shah Jahan, the grandson of Akbar, built the Taj. He built it in the loving memory of his queen Mumtaz Mahal whom he loved much. The building stands on a large quadrangle platform. The quadrangle is nine hundred and sixty-four feet long and three hundred and twenty-nine feet wide.

The Taj Mahal was built by:

The Taj Mahal stands on:

Shah Jahan was the:

Read the following informative passage and answer the questions below it.

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How many runs did Sachin Tendulkar score in Test cricket?

Which of the following awards has not been received by Sachin Tendulkar?

Fill in the blank with appropriate word from the passage above.
Sachin Tendulkar scored a ______ century in International Cricket.

पुढील उतारा काळजीपूर्वक वाचा व त्याखालील विचारलेल्या प्रश्नांच्या उत्तराचा योग्य पर्याय निवडा.
रवींद्रनाथ टागोर या महाकवीचं स्वातंत्र्याचं स्वप्न मंगल आणि उदात्त होतं. रवींद्रनाथांचा व्यासंग फार मोठा होता. सतत वाचन करणं हा त्यांचा छंद होता. रवींद्रनाथ जसे थोर कवी होते तसेच ते थोर कांदबरीकार, कथाकार, नाटककार, विचारवंत, चित्रकार व संगीतकारही होते. शाळेच्या घराच्या चार भिंतीआड त्यांचं मन रमत नव्हते. निसर्गात रवींद्रनाथ जास्त रमत. फुलं, फुलपाखरं, पक्षी, झाडं यांचं त्यानां विलक्षण आकर्षण. जमीन, शेतं, डोंगर, नया, झरे आणि क्षितिजाला भिडणारा सागर या सान्यांविषयी रवींद्रनाथांना खूप प्रेम होतं.
रवींद्रनाथांनी वंगभंग विरोधी चळवळीत सहभाग घेतला होता. 'भांडार' नावाचं मासिक ते चालवत असत. खेड्यांमधून पसरलेला भारताचा विकास होण्यासाठी ग्रामोद्धार व्हायला हवा याची त्यांना जाणीव होती, म्हणूनच त्यांनी शांतीनिकेतनला जोडून ‘श्रीनिकेतन' उघडलं. ग्रामोद्धाराच्या केंद्रात शेती, गो-पालन, चर्मोदयोग, हातमाग, कलाकुसरीचं काम या व्यवसायाचं शिक्षण दिल जाऊ लागलं. त्यांच्या 'गीतांजली' या काव्यसंग्रहामुळे सारं जग त्यांना ओळखू लागले. याच काव्याला नोबेल पारितोषिक मिळालं आहे. ब्रिटीश सरकारने त्यांना 'सर' हा किताब दिला. रवींद्रनाथांच्या व्यक्तिमत्त्वातील एकत्वाचा सुंदर अविष्कार म्हणजे त्यांचे जनगणमन हे गीत. स्वतंत्र भारताचे ते राष्ट्रगीत आहे.

'रवींद्रनाथ टागोर' यांच्या संदर्भात चुकीचे विधान निवडा.

रवींद्रनाथांनी शांतिनिकेतनला जोडून श्रीनिकेतन उघडलं कारण

उताऱ्यातील आशयानुसार ग्रामोद्धार केंद्रात कोणते शिक्षण मिळत नव्हते?

पुढे एका सुसंगत परिच्छेदाची तीन वाक्ये दिली आहेत, ती वाक्ये पूर्ण करण्यासाठी योग्य पर्याय निवडा.

अवघा महाराष्ट्र त्यांना ______ या उपाधीने ओळखतो.

त्यांनी ______ हा सार्वजनिक उत्सव लोकजागृतीसाठी सुरु केला.
(अचूक उत्तराचे दोन पर्याय निवडा)

Choose 2 correct answers:

त्यांनी ______ या वृत्तपत्रातुन 'सरकारचे डोके ठिकाणावर आहे का?' असा रोखठोक सवाल ब्रिटीश सरकारला विचारला होता.

Read the following poem and answer the questions given below it:
If you’ve tried and have not won,
Never stop for crying;
All’s that’s great and good is done
Just by patient trying.
Though young birds, in flying, fall,
still their wings grow stronger.
And the next time they can keep
Up a little longer.
Though the sturdy oak has known
Many a blast that bowed her,
She has risen again, and grown
Loftier and prouder.
If by easy work you beat,
Who the more will prize you?
Gaining victory from defeat
That’s the test that tries you!

Which of the following pair is not in the adjective form?
(a) Victory (b) Loftier (c) stronger (d) defeat

Complete the following line by selecting the correct alternative from the following:
All’s that’s great and good is done just by ______

Choose the correct alternative of the meaning of the phrase ‘has known many a blast’ from the poem.

Innovation will play a very important role in India not only for overall growth and competitive advantage but also for the future development of India to be sustainable and inclusive. In our country, there is a lack of demand in the most important sectors such as health, education, agriculture, energy, and skills. There are many challenges in this country in terms of population as well. For example, 55 crores population is of age group of less than 25 years, it is necessary to provide opportunities to them. For that, there is a challenge of growth and development of disparity in various aspects such as class, caste, gender, region and at the same time, there is an urgent need to bring millions of citizens trapped in extreme poverty above to poverty line.
Innovations is the answer of the pressing challenges and is at the heart of all initiatives. When the knowledge-based economy is created, the opportunity structure for the distribution of the benefits generated from it is also created through such innovation. Affordable solutions in common sense innovative business models or processes make it easier for common citizens to access services and more people participate in the development process by going beyond the traditional way of working.
However, our only need is to explore new paradigms of innovation with an emphasis on affordable and inclusive growth for the masses and lifting the low-income people at the bottom of the triangle out of poverty and deprivation.
The unfortunate thing is that in the past several decades, innovation and research have given priority to the demands of the developed, and more emphasis has been placed on fulfilling the wishes of the rich, and the entire system of intellectuals and capital is being used to satisfy them. India will not be able to accept this path rather than the research in our country and innovations need to focus on the poor and the urgent needs of poor people. The traditional old consumption approach will no longer work.
Given our huge population and immensity, our innovation should use scarce resources sparingly and our research and innovations should be affordable and environmentally sustainable, the work of India's National Innovation Corporation reflects this philosophy. It strives to develop an image of innovation created by the people - for the people - of the people for a development India. Only through such an inclusive approach where people are the beneficiaries of knowledge creation can we create images of sustainable development.

Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Without innovation we cannot achieve development.
(b) Till now India's development was not comprehensive.

Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) For holistic development we should focus on poverty and population.
(b) We should try to produce more from less.

Which of the following statement is/ are correct?
(a) So far, we have covered only to the needs of advanced Nations.
(b) Our current development model has degraded our environment.

Skill development program is important in India because:

Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) So far, we have not paid enough attention to innovation.
(b) Only with People's participation can we achieve sustainable development.

The word laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers are in fact generators of light. They are based on the amplification of light by means of stimulated - radiation of atoms or molecules. In 1917 Einstein predicted the possibility of such stimulated radiation. In 1952, Ch. Townes, J. Gorden, and H. Zeiger in USA and N. Basov and A. Prokhorov in USSR, independently suggested the principle of generating and amplifying microwave oscillations based on the concept of stimulated radiation. It led to the invention of MASER (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) in 1954. In 1958 Townes, Basov, and Prokhorov received Noble Prizes for their work in this field.
In 1960, Theodore Maiman of Hughes Research Laboratories produced the first laser using a ruby crystal as the amplifier and a flashlamp as the energy source. The first gas laser was developed in 1961 by A. Javan, W. Bennet, and H. Harriott of Bell Laboratories, using a mixture of helium and neon gases.
Laser has become a valuable tool in a variety of fields starting with medicine to communications. Laser is a light source, but it is very much different from many traditional light sources. Laser is not used for illumination purposes as we use other light sources. Lasers produce a highly directional and high intensity beam with a narrow frequency range than that available from the common source types of light sources. They are more widely used as a light power electromagnetic beam rather than a light beam. Laser beans are used in the mechanical industry such as a special type of drill bit to drill in hard materials, and cutting materials like wood, glass, ceramics, etc. The laser is also used in the electronics industry such as scribing, soldering, trimming photolithography, etc. Application of lasers in the military involves mainly ranging, guiding weapons to the intended target and laser beam itself acting as a weapon, and so on. Thus, the laser is a high-technology device affecting our lives in many ways.

What is the relation between laser and atoms or molecules?

Laser beam is not used for which of the followings?

Laser is different than the common light sources because ______.

Who got noble prize for Laser?

Who developed the first gas Laser?

Sixty years of constitutional democracy and the rule of law in India would seem, on the face of it, like an occasion for taking stock and for celebrating the great Indian political experiment. The founding fathers and mothers put a structure in place, enshrined a nation's dreams in an impressively liberal text, and six decades later, it appears we still abide by that vision. All around us, there are polities in various kinds of malfunction - Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar - and to our north, a prosperous but authoritarian China. India's Constitution makes the country an oasis of rights, representation and justice in a desert of failing or otherwise flawed states.
It could be argued that the Constitution, as the textual blueprint in the republic, is not responsible for its own marginalization, violation, or suspension. That it was conceived in a certain era, written in a certain spirit, and promulgated in good faith by the best political and legal minds active in India around the time of independence. That a document first articulated and steered by the likes of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru, Maulana Azad, Rajendra Prasad, K. M. Munshi and Constitutional Advisor B.N. Rao, continuously guarded and carefully interpreted by three generations of lawmakers since, is as good as it gets for an overly large, unremittingly poor, vexingly diverse, and precariously free post-colony like India. That we may criticize the Constitution; we may lament its disrespect or point out its inefficacy in many parts of India, but without it, we would still be colonized, if not by the British then by undemocratic, militarist, communal or other sorts of nonprogressive strains within the Indian political spectrum.
Better to have an excellent constitution in the letter if not in practice than no constitution at all, the objector says. Today the Indian constitution is considered as best amongst all other constitutions. We should be grateful for the moral commitment and practical foresight of our founders.

The term 'Rule of Law' used in this paragraph means which of the following element / elements?
(a) Equality of opportunity
(b) Equal Treatment
(c) Establishment of Courts
(d) Equal laws for all

Which of the following concepts can be considered as responsible for success of Indian Democratic experiment?
(a) Authority (b) Representation (c) Cultural Plurality (d) Justice

Which word has been used to describe the land of nations where democracy is failed?

Which of the following can be considered as challenges to democracy?
(a) Communalism (b) Feudalism (c) Authoritarianism (d) Suppression by Military

What is the main intention of this presented paragraph?

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Reading comprehension is a critical skill tested in many competitive exams and assessments. It involves understanding, interpreting, and analyzing written texts. Questions typically assess your ability to identify main ideas, infer meanings, and draw conclusions from the passage. To improve reading comprehension, it’s essential to practice reading various texts, focus on vocabulary, and develop strategies for quickly identifying key information. Mastering this skill will help enhance overall exam performance and critical thinking abilities.