After reading 5/9 th part and 68 pages of a book, 92 pages are still remaining. What is the total number of pages of that book?

दिलेल्या वाक्याचा काळ ओळखा:
'ती मांजर चिडलेल्या वाघिणीसारखी पिंजऱ्यात फेन्या मारत असेल.'

Malgudi Days : R.K. Narayan :: Broken Wings : ?

Observe the following pyramid. Study the arrangement of numbers and find the correct alternative to replace the question mark.

Shared Content Image

50485827 : 14183633 :: 26112750 : ?

31175834 : 15193628 :: 21252024 : ?
(Select 2 correct alternatives.)

Choose 2 correct answers:

41503448 : 52142818 :: ? : 29333515

From the given options pick the odd term out.

The diameter of a ball is 20 cm. Find the volume of the air in the ball. (π = 3.14)

A shopkeeper sold two articles with marked price Rs. 1900 to A and B. He sold one article to A by giving discount of Rs. 171 and sold another article to B by giving discount of Rs. 152. How much was the difference between the percentage of discount given to A and B?

Where is the ortho center of a right-angled triangle located?

'त्र्यंबक बापूजी ठोंबरे यांना कोणत्या टोपणनावाने ओळखले जाते ?

पुढीलपैकी योग्य विरामचिन्हे वापरलेले विधान पर्यायांतून निवडा.

Gold : Au :: Silver : ?

Find the odd term.

Choose the correct figure from the alternatives given that exactly matches with the question figure.

Question Image

Choose correct alternative of positive degree. Chennai is one of the hottest cities in India.

Pradnya has exactly same number of Rs. 2 coins and Rs. 5 coins. She has a total amount of Rs. 196 then how many coins of Rs. 5 she has?

In the following joint bar graph, the number of boys and girls in divisions A, B, C, D of 8th standard are given. Observe the joint bar graph and answer the following questions.

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What is the total number of students in all four divisions of 8th standard?

What is the ratio of number of boys with number of girls in B division?

पुढे एका सुसंगत परिच्छेदाची तीन वाक्ये दिली आहेत. परिच्छेदाची वाक्ये पूर्ण करण्यासाठी योग्य शब्दाचा पर्याय क्रमांक निवडा:

______ दिवस जवळ आले होते. (दोन अचूक पर्याय निवडा.)

Choose 2 correct answers:

प्रत्येकजण ______ आतुरतेने वाट पाहत होते.

आणि एके दिवशी दुपारी वादळी वाऱ्यासह ______ येताच शेतकन्यांच्या आनंदाला पारावर उरला नाही.

Read the following extract and answer the questions:
Education as Mahatma Gandhi described it, ‘‘is the tool for the development of consciousness and reconstitution of society.’’ Since Independence, India has stressed reforming and restructuring the educational system as part of state intervention. The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, which is hailed as a landmark in the Indian educational system, provided a comprehensive framework to guide
the development of education in the country. The NPE and its programme of action was again updated in 1992 through similar consensual process involving all the state governments, resource organisations and educationists. What has been worrying the critics and educationists alike is the non fulfilment of one of
the NPE objectives: education of girls. It has been stated in the NPE that the ‘Education for all’ meet should have a strong gender focus as education for all by definition is gender inclusive.

In the passage, the author makes a plea for ______

According to the passage, critics and educationists are worried that:

Complete the following sentence: The National Policy on Education provided ______
(a) Guidelines for the comprehension of education in the country.
(b) A comprehensive framework for the development of education in the country.
(c) Guidance material to develop education in the country.
(d) Comprehensive development of education.

Choose two correct options of adverb clause.

Choose 2 correct answers:

Read the following dialogue and answer the questions given below:

Shared Content Image

Choose the most appropriate interjection for the following dialogue.
Mother: ______! ______ you can taste the goodness of fresh vegetables!

Complete the last sentence of the given dialogue with most appropriate response:
Mother: Oh, no! ______

Fill in the blank with the correct alternative of the appropriate tenses:
All the day before, it ______ heavily. The entire field ______ water - logged.
a) had rained b) had become c) have rained d) have become

वचनबदलानुसार विसंगत जोडी ओळखा.

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Additional Information:

The MSCE Scholarship Exam for 8th standard students is an important exam conducted by the Maharashtra State Council of Examination. It aims to identify talented students and award them scholarships for further education. The exam tests students in subjects like Mathematics, Mental Ability, and Language skills. Preparing for the MSCE Scholarship Exam requires understanding key topics and practicing regularly to improve performance. Success in this exam can provide financial support and open doors to better academic opportunities.