Find the correct alternative to replace the question mark in the given number series. 13, 15, 19, 27, ?

Find out the correct option from the following options :

For a trip in the month of May, Swara booked air tickets in advance for Rs. 5780. Due to some reason, she had to cancel the ticket. She got an amount back with the deduction of 30%. How much loss did she suffer?

In a certain code language if Tiger is called as Lion, Lion is called as Shekaru, Shekaru is called as Deer, Deer is called as Elephant then who of the following is called as Maharashtra’s state animal?

Choose correct form of spelling for the following sentence. Neena and the stepmother wondered when they saw Sunita visited the _____.

2 gross papers out of 2 rim of papers is used for printing, how many dozen papers are left?

Which number should be subtracted from quarter to twenty six thousand to obtain 4 digit smallest even number?

Identify the pattern and select the correct number to fill the blank. 5, 7, 10, …., 22, 33, 46

3000 is divided by which number to get the quotient as 85 and remainder as 25?

Choose a similar number - 4205, 6427, 8729

If Honeybee is called Ant, Ant is called Cobra, Cobra is called Sparrow and Sparrow is called Hen, then who will live in the anthill?

Which of the following is a request?

There are two married sons and three grand children in Radha’s family. Find minimum number of members in Radha’s family.

297, 135, 501, 189, ?

समुहदर्शक नसलेल्या शब्दाचा पर्याय निवडा.

‘गुरे वासरे जवळी येती, मुले खेळती लाटांवरती’ या कवितेच्या ओळी कोणी लिहिल्या आहेतॽ

Answer the following questions using this dialogue.
Ajit – Hello Sunil! Shut your books and come and have a game of tennis.
Sunil – I am sorry. I cannot do that. Examination is drawing near, and I want every hour I can get for study.
Ajit – I do not worry about mine. After playing, you will get more energy.
Sunil – I won’t get good marks. I will lose marks.
Ajit – No, my friend. It relieves stress. Just play once.
Sunil – Ok! I will try. If not felt better, I will continue with my studies.

Sunil is not ready to play because _____.

Two reasons for playing Tennis told by Ajit.

पुढीलपैकी विरूद्ध अर्थांच्या शब्दांची चुकीची जोडी निवडा.

पुढीलपैकी विसंगत जोडी कोणती?

Read the given advertisement and choose correct alternative.

Shared Content Image

Complete the blank with proper alternative.
The coaching will be held for about _________.

Choose the correct alternative.
The deserving students will have to pay _________.

How are students going to be selected?

In a certain code language, symbols are used for different letters. The sequence of the letters and of the symbols may not necessarily be the same. Observe the code in the above frame and answer the questions.

Shared Content Image

Which symbol is represented by ‘U’?

How is ‘TOP’ written in the given code language?

Answer the following questions using the pictorial information.

Shared Content Image

What is the number of students about whom the information is given in pictorial diagram?

By how much is the number of students liking Math is more than that of the number of students liking science?

खालील उतारा वाचून त्यावर आधारित विचारलेल्या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे पर्यायांतून निवडा.
माणसांच्या घरांमध्ये खूप विविधता आढळते. काही पक्षी व प्राण्यांच्या घरांमध्येही विविधता आहे. मुंगी, मधमाशी, सुगरण व सुतारपक्षी अशी अनेक उदाहरणे आहेत. यांची घरे पाहिली की, आश्चर्याने तोंडात बोट घालण्याची वेळ येते. मुंग्यांचे निवासस्थान म्हणजे वारूळ. या आदर्श घराची आतील रचना आखीव-रेखीव असते. कितीही पाऊस पडला तरी पाण्याचा एक थेंबही आत जात नाही. मधमाश्यांचे घर म्हणजे पोळे. त्याला मोहोळ असेही म्हणतात यात सुरेख खोल्या असतात. सुगरण पक्षी वाळलेले गवत, चिवट वेलीचे तंतू यांपासून चोचीने सुरेख घरटे विणतो. त्याला 'खोपा' म्हणतात. हे निमुळते घरटे त्यांच्या पिलांचे ऊन, वारा, पाऊस, साप, ससाणे यांपासून संरक्षण करते. सुतारपक्षी आपल्या अणकुचीदार चोचीने झाडाच्या खोडामध्ये घरटे तयार करतो. निसर्गातील या इवल्या कारागिरांच्या कलाकृतींचे मनापासून कौतुक वाटते.

सुगरणीचा खोपा पिलांचे कोणापासून संरक्षण करतो?

कोणाच्या घराची रचना अनेक खोल्यांची असते?

मुंग्यांच्या घराच्या बाबतीत चुकीचे विधान कोणते?

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Additional Information:

The MSCE Scholarship Exam for 5th standard students is conducted by the Maharashtra State Council of Examination to identify and support young talent through scholarships. The exam evaluates students in subjects like Mathematics, Language, and Mental Ability. Preparing for this exam requires a clear understanding of fundamental concepts and regular practice. Success in the MSCE Scholarship Exam provides financial assistance and encourages students to excel academically from an early age.